Living life In Christ

Did you know that the Apostle Paul’s writings (the New Testament epistles of Romans through Philemon) contain the words “in Christ” 83 times in the New King James version. Philemon alone (one chapter, 25 verses) includes the words “in Christ” three times.

Do you think God was trying to hone in on something? 🙂

Between 2005 – 2007 I went through an intense Holy Spirit led training school. It was messy, raw and glorious. I loved being counseled and taught directly by Holy Spirit. He helped me unlearn the religious, false mindsets of fear, shame and unbelief I had picked up along the way.

Those precious moments with Him, have become the foundation of everything that has happened since, in my life.

One of those days, when I was having a “Gideon” moment and worrying about how inadequate, small and incapable I was, I clearly heard the Lord speak this over my heart: “It’s not you in you. It’s Christ in you.” Hmmm. (a light bulb went off or I should say ON in my spirit haha!) It began to dawn on me and I remember thinking: “Jesus, of course it’s Your life! Your righteousness, Your power, Your Love, Your Boldness, Your Freedom!”

That statement He spoke sounds so simple right?  But it’s so profound and multi-layered with rich meaning. You see beloved heart, it’s not about our frailties, insecurities, weaknesses and faults – it’s all about the perfection, righteousness, holiness, freedom, healing, love and power of Christ IN us and flowing OUT through us!

From the inflow of His life (Presence and Person of Jesus Christ and His river of living water)
we overflow His fruit (love, joy, peace…)
and as a result, the outflow of His ways (gifts of the Spirit, healing, signs and wonders) will be inevitable!

John 7:38 “He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.'”

John 14:20 “In that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you.

John 17:23 “You live fully in Me and now I live fully in them, so that they will experience perfect unity and the world will be convinced that You have sent Me. For they will see that You love each one of them with the same passionate love that You have for Me.” (TPT – The Passion Translation)


When we depend on His life giving Truth, every lie we’ve based our thoughts and emotions in, will crumble and be dismantled. There’s no way, the enemy can stand a chance with a saint and a son/daughter who has awakened to their true identity in Christ! What is our identity in Christ? Read, meditate and study this powerful resource of scriptures that go deeper into the reality of who we are and our priceless inheritance of living IN Christ!


  1. Let’s put our faith in action. Write out two or three scriptures reinforcing the truth of our identity in Christ. When you are tempted to fall back to thoughts of fear, doubt or impatience, remind yourself of the power of God’s Word and bring to mind these scriptures.
  2. Break and renounce any agreements you’ve made with lies about your identity. You can simply pray: “Lord I sever every agreement I’ve made with lies about who I am and what I am or am not capable of. I break off those agreements in my thoughts, emotions and words and I apply the Truth of Your Word to those areas of my mind, emotions and will. I declare I’m Your beloved son and daughter and You are well pleased with me, because of my position in Christ!”
  3. Was there a time in your life the truth of how God sees you, became a deeper reality which you now live from? Ask Holy Spirit to reveal who you are in Christ. Take one scripture from the resource above and meditate on that promise today. Tomorrow, do the same. Continue to soak your mind in His reality. At one point in my life I recall writing scriptures about who I am in Christ and placing them on my headboard, on the bathroom mirror, on the dashboard of my car and on my refrigerator. Wherever I could, I wanted to the Word to be present before me, so that His truth was being continually reinforced into my spirit.