The Ways Of The Kingdom

Revelation 1:4-6 Grace and peace to you from the one who is, who always was, and who is still to come; from the sevenfold Spirit before His throne; and from Jesus Christ. He is the faithful witness to these things, the first to rise from the dead, and the ruler of all the kings of the world.

All glory to Him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by shedding His blood for us. He has made us a Kingdom of priests for God his Father. All glory and power to Him forever and ever! Amen.

The last three weeks we’ve been building a foundation about worship, relationship, sonship. This final week we’re diving into walking out our destiny as royal heirs in God’s Kingdom. As we minister and attend to our King and carry His Presence within us, His royal signature and stamp will be branded on our lives and everywhere we go and every person we meet, will come into contact with His heart and His ways!

The Kingdom we’re a part of is entirely different from the kingdoms of this temporal world. God’s never ending Kingdom will outlast all earthly kingdoms. His Kingdom carries favor to walk into places we normally couldn’t access. His Kingdom gives us the authority and confidence, to speak into the lives of people who are broken and searching for answers.

Like Esther, you and I have been called for such a time as this into the Kingdom and placed strategically here on earth during this era to reflect the ways of our King. The author and teacher Myles Munroe has said, “The only message Jesus preached was about the Kingdom of God!” He said in Luke 17:20-21 “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.”

What a powerful time to live in. Despite the darkness and turmoil that has increased, the Kingdom of God being actively demonstrated through you and me, is advancing, rumbling and alive and well!


The Kingdom of God is His reign and rule. It’s all about Jesus, our King, and manifesting the ways and culture of His domain, here on earth.

Demonstrating His Kingdom in our day to day may look like walking in peace in a frustrating situation where it could be easy to be offended, or praying for someone’s healing or prophesying over someone’s impossible situations and watching God sovereignly bring about the answers. In His Kingdom the gifts He died for get to be activated in our lives so that the world around us sees His heart on display – through you and me. Our perfect model of what the Kingdom looks like here on earth, is JESUS! In reading through the Gospels, we get a clear picture of how Jesus displayed the ways of His Kingdom.

In the same manner,  Holy Spirit empowers us to rise up and demonstrate the goodness of Abba God through the living Christ within us. We awaken to our Beloved King riding in triumph before us. We have His royal blood coursing through our veins. We have His signet ring on our finger to boldly face any situation that comes our way. We rise up to fulfill His destiny spoken over our lives. We will lock arms and shields. We will join hands and hearts together and declare with one voice: Our King is here. His Kingdom is within us.


  1. How has Jesus the King manifested His heart and voice to you? Are there any specific encounters or dreams you’ve had or scriptures you’ve read that highlight His Kingship in your life?
  2. How can you demonstrate the ways of the Kingdom to those around you today?
  3. The only message Jesus ______ was about the _______ of God!